Using TOF-ICP-MS to scale the nanoparticle analyse mountain and reach the non-target analysis summit

A tíz és száz nanométeres méretű kis részecskék elemzése az elmúlt évtizedekben nagy kihívást jelentett. Míg az egy részecske (SP)-ICP-MS sikeres technikának bizonyult, addig a TOF-ICP-MS ma már elismert, hogy …

Evaluation of Indium and Tantalum Secondary Cathodes for Silicon Carbide Analysis Using the Nu Astrum

Töltse le az Adam Revill által az #EWCPS-en bemutatott Astrum poszterünket. The Evaluation of Indium and Tantalum Secondary Cathodes for Silicon Carbide Analysis Using the Nu Astrum GD-MS, kattintson az …

Rapid, paced metamorphism of blueschists (Syros, Greece) from laser-based zoned Lu-Hf garnet chronology and LA-ICPMS trace element mapping

Unravelling the timing and rate of subduction-zone metamorphism and H2O release requires linking time to the compositional changes of petrogenetic indicator minerals in blueschists and eclogites. Garnet is a key mineral in this regard, as it …

Long-term, high resolution measurements of dual clumped isotopes in carbonates
using the Perspective IS

Long-term, high resolution measurements of dual clumped isotopes in carbonatesusing the Perspective IS The Nu Perspective IS stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer is designed to measure isotopic clumping in gas …

Nanoscale isotopic evidence resolves origins of giant Carlin-type ore deposits

ABSTRACT The western North American Great Basin’s Carlin-type deposits represent the largest accumulation of gold in the Northern Hemisphere. The controversy over their origins echoes the debate between Neptunists and …

Quantification and Characterization of Ti-, Ce-, and Ag-Nanoparticles in Global Surface Waters and Precipitation.: Agil Azimzada, Ibrahim Jreije, Madjid Hadioui, Phil Shaw, Jeffrey M. Farner, and Kevin J. Wilkinson; Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14, 9836–9844

Abstract Nanoparticle (NP) emissions to the environment are increasing as a result of anthropogenic activities, prompting concerns for ecosystems and human health. In order to evaluate the risk of NPs, …